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//Personalizada por Axxgreazz, para el [[w:es:User:Axxgreazz/Monobook-Suite]]

// Siempre marca "Bloquear usuarios anónimos solamente" en Special:Blockip 
addOnloadHook(function(){ var x; if (x=document.getElementById('wpAnonOnly')) {x.checked=true;} });
addOnloadHook(function(){ var x; if (x=document.getElementById('wpCreateAccount')) {x.checked=false;} });

//Pestaña borrar para consultas de borrado
addOnloadHook(function ()
   if(pagina.indexOf("Wikipedia:Consultas_de_borrado/") == 0)
   {   var tabs = document.getElementById('p-cactions').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
       addlilink(tabs, "javascript:csd(wgTitle)", 'ConsBorr')

function csd(title)
    var pagename = title.substring(title.indexOf('/') + 1 , title.length); + '/w/index.php?title=' + pagename + '&action=delete&axx=1');
    var pagename = title.substring(title.indexOf('/') + 1 , title.length);
    topaz.wputil.setdelete(pagename,'En [[Wikipedia:' + title + ']] se decidió borrar este artículo');
addOnloadHook(function ()
   if(document.title.indexOf("Confirma el borrado - ") == 0 )
   {   document.forms[0];}

//Añade un tab adicional
function addlilink(tabs, url, name, id, title, key){
    var na = document.createElement('a');
    na.href = url;
    var li = document.createElement('li');
    if(id) = id;
        if(key && title)
            ta[id] = [key, title];
        else if(key)
            ta[id] = [key, ''];
        else if(title)
            ta[id] = ['', title];
    // re-render the title and accesskeys from existing code in wikibits.js
    return li;

function addTab(url, name, id, title, key)
    var tabs = document.getElementById('p-cactions').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
    return addlilink(tabs, url, name, id, title, key);

function addLink(where, url, name, id, title, key, after){
    //* where is the id of the toolbar where the button should be added;
    //   i.e. one of "p-cactions", "p-personal", "p-navigation", or "p-tb".
    //* url is the URL which will be called when the button is clicked.
    //   javascript: urls can be used to do more complex things.
    //* name is what will appear as the name of the button.
    //* id is the id of the button; it's best to define one.  
    //   Use a prefix to make sure its unique. Optional.
    //* title is the tooltip title that gives a longer description 
    //   of the button; if you define a accesskey, mention it here. Optional.
    //* key is the char you want for the accesskey. Optional.
    //* after is the id of the button you want to follow this one. Optional.
    var na = document.createElement('a');
    na.href = url;
    var li = document.createElement('li');
    if(id) = id;
    var tabs = document.getElementById(where).getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
    if(after) {
    } else {
    if(id) {
        if(key && title) { ta[id] = [key, title]; }
        else if(key) { ta[id] = [key, '']; }
        else if(title) { ta[id] = ['', title];} 
    // re-render the title and accesskeys from existing code in wikibits.js
    return li;

function getPname() {
  return wgPageName.replace(/_/g, ' ');
