Edit count

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Total 10,407 100%
(Main) 4,153 39.91%
Talk 232 2.23%
User 747 7.18%
User talk 1,428 13.72%
Inciclopedia 1,768 16.99%
Inciclopedia talk 62 0.6%
File 839 8.06%
File talk 18 0.17%
MediaWiki 13 0.12%
Template 144 1.38%
Template talk 4 0.04%
Category 3 0.03%
Category talk 2 0.02%
Foro 620 5.96%
Foro Discusión 9 0.09%
Incinoticias 136 1.31%
Incinoticias Discusión 42 0.4%
Incitables 54 0.52%
Incijuegos 131 1.26%
Incijuegos Discusión 2 0.02%