Inciclopedia:Museo/Inciclopedia:Portada Unión Ibero-Americana

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En la Inciclopedia nos gusta almacenar reliquias y paginas inservibles,
con el único fin de mantenerlas solo por motivos históricos.
Esta página ahora mismo se encuentra en una vitrina del museo de Inciclopedia.
Por favor, no la edites; ya no se usa.

En construción!

Em construção!

Welcome to UnMeta-Wiki, a website about the Uncyclomedia Foundation's projects, including Uncyclopedia, the content-free Encyclopedia, and the MediaWiki software that pwns it. Other venues for discussing the Foundation and these projects include the Uncyclomedia mailing lists (particularly foundation-l) and IRC channels. Content pages on UnMeta: 14 700

Plantilla:Utilities Plantilla:Information thread FALLING DOWN HURTZZ ME

Uncyclomedia Foundation

The Uncyclomedia Foundation is the over-arching for-profit foundation that pwns the Uncyclomedia servers along with the domain names, logos and trademarks of all Uncyclomedia projects and Uncyclomedia.


Code & technical issues

Community & Communication

About the community itself. Organisation of events; philosophical discussions; collaborated essays.

Plantilla:Ed ro: