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Usuario discusión:Icier

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Tambien quisiera agregar que ese anonimo ya ha venido en otras 3 ocasiones escribiendo spam sobre Justin Bieber blanqueando paginas de usuarios y de administradores.Homero el granjero (discusión) 06:00 12 jul 2017 (UTC)

Respondió en la Comunidad Central. Utilizo un traductor. Perdón por los errores que hago. :) --Ripto 07:01 12 jul 2017 (UTC)
My apologies if I do not respond in english since my domain of that language is basic I can barely understand what they ask me in writing but thanks again for the help I only hope that the block is definitive and it is 3 times that happens with that anonymous user . Homero el granjero (discusión) 08:47 12 jul 2017 (UTC)
That's okay! No problem. I also apologize for my Spanish. Yes, if more anonymous users come and "abuse" page creations like that - an administrator here can try requesting Special:AbuseFilter for this wiki which can be used to help against vandalism like that. I would be willing to help set up a filter if an administrator gets AbuseFilter enabled. --Ripto 10:16 12 jul 2017 (UTC)
It's a really common episode, so any help will be really appreciated. Basically, we have some random dude/girl who writes a ton of "YOU ENVY JUSTIN BIEBER" articles and I usually come behind to delete them, so he even vandalised my discussion in today's episode. If we can set up a filter to avoid the largest of the vandalism, tell me what to enable and how to set it up, and we'll be really grateful. Thanks for all the help in deleting spam. IAPP Marcsances.png M18Arking 56Bad ¿Cocinamos? 12:37 12 jul 2017 (UTC)

No problem and you are welcome! Yes, you can try requesting Special:AbuseFilter from staff at Special:Contact/general and explaining to them the situation here with anonymous users continuing to make vandalism articles about "Just Bieber". If staff grant the request, we can help make a filter to prevent anonymous users from creating "Justin Bieber" articles. I can't guarantee if staff will enable Special:AbuseFilter but it's worth a try if you'd like. Good luck! --Ripto 08:45 14 jul 2017 (UTC)

We've contacted staff and they accepted our request and enabled the extension. We understand this tool is really powerful so we'd love if you could help us a bit with setting up the filters for our specific issue, if it's not asking too much. I hope this tool can help us mitigate this issue soon and we're very thankful with all the help, both from you and Fandom staff. IAPP Marcsances.png M18Arking 56Bad ¿Cocinamos? 19:48 14 jul 2017 (UTC)
No worries. I've set up some for our common vandalisms. For now I've just set up three filters and we'll test the efectiveness of the filters. Thanks for the help. IAPP Marcsances.png M18Arking 56Bad ¿Cocinamos? 19:29 15 jul 2017 (UTC)
Ninjastar.png Estrella Ninja

A small show of our thankfulness. You'll always be welcome here.

IAPP Marcsances.png M18Arking 56Bad ¿Cocinamos? 19:29 15 jul 2017 (UTC)

Ah glad staff enabled it for you! Great! Just as I was poking a friend to help set up a filter here, you've already done so and they look correct :) If they don't work or need tweaking, please do let me know and I'll get some help! And thanks so much for the template/acknowledgement! It means so much. Thank you! Likewise, I'm glad I could help and you managed to get some filters set up. --Ripto 13:09 17 jul 2017 (UTC)