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Y recuerda, los artículos con menos de cinco líneas son borrados automáticamente, sin ningún tipo de piedad. -- DJ Nietzsche (Discusión) 21:38 11 ago 2009


Eso mismo, esa es la idea. (That's the idea) ;) Si inauguras un foro atraeras a bastantes usuarios. (If you open a forum, you'll bring the attention of plenty of users). --Trespatines.jpg>>José Candelario Tres Patines ~ ¡A la reja! 20:38 17 ago 2009 (UTC)

I know that you really want to get atention to your proyect, and it's not bad at all, but if every user starts a topic like that... well that wouldn't be nice, isn't it.  Peruescudo.png»Halfbloodprince perú portal peruano 20:53 17 ago 2009 (UTC)  Peruescudo.png»Halfbloodprince perú portal peruano 21:02 17 ago 2009 (UTC)


It was kind of silly your title. And i'm online for the next three hours. --Trespatines.jpg>>José Candelario Tres Patines ~ ¡A la reja! 21:37 17 ago 2009 (UTC)

Revisando - Looking up

Después de tres semanas de vacaciones, regreso y me encuentro esto. Mmmmm... ¿Saben que opino? Pueden llevarse su proyecto e irse a la jodida mierd... ¡Que es una excelente idea! Es bueno esto de complementar cosas, así la calidad sube y los artículos son más variados e interesantes. Ya estoy en uncyclopedia y comenzaré a traducir los artículos que están en Foreign Office, espero que eso no sea invadir terreno de Uncyclopedia, ni que tampoco me fusilen por traición a la patria en Inciclopedia. Si necesitas un montaje ahí estaré... ¡Un vaso de vodka en tu honor!

After three weeks of vacations, I came back and I found this. Hummm... Do you know what I think? You can take your project and go to the fucking shi... It's excellent! It's good to complement things: Quality improces and articles are more varied and more interesting. I logged in Uncyclopedia and I'm going to translate the articles showed at Foreign Office; I hope this won't be regarded neither as an invasion of Uncylopedia's "terrains", nor a high treason to Inciclopedia and my consequent execution. If you need a photo montage, let's me know about it, I'll help you... A glass of vodka in your honor!!!

--20080228030330-comunista.jpgThe Dark Leviathan 03:46 18 ago 2009 (UTC)

Don't worry

Actually, I made the same joke once, so there's no harm done. I just thought that if is was the same topic as the one above, why not just merge them. I think that any idea to make new articles should be welcomed. I can help you with anything you want, but you might want to know that in this wiki we have a Delete Policy that says "translated articles will be deleted if there are no significant changes made". this excludes "great articles", but i just thought you should be aware of that rule. Peruescudo.png»Halfbloodprince perú portal peruano 20:01 23 ago 2009 (UTC)

Actually, deletion policies state that a translation is considered a substantial change, therefore translated articles aren't "huffed" by rule. However, it's recommended not to translate articles unless they are "masterpieces" worth the effort... but the criteria for defining which articles can be referred to as "masterpieces" is so relative... Listillo.gif »»» 20:19 23 ago 2009 (UTC)