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Usuario discusión:Sannse
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Hola Sannse, bienvenido a Inciclopedia.
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Thanks for the welcome, just a passing staffer though :) -- sannse (talk) 17:10 23 ene 2007 (UTC)
- I'll go on from here, I guess it may be easier for you than following a forum thread written mostly in Spanish. So, here's the thing, if I just wanted to satisfy my personal curiosity may be I would ask you by mail. However, I think you owe us all an explanation. You told us why you said "no" hundreds of times with out having to discuss it in public: it's parody. Would you tell us why you said "yes" this time? Again, I feel that if enough people keep asking that question in a rude manner for long enough, you would eventually answer. But you don't need to worry, I don't think it will get that far this time. --RatauB612 - Blog - Discusión 07:58 4 abr 2010 (UTC)
- I haven't said "yes".
- To repeat:
- "My main concern yesterday was to remove the article to give us time to look into the issue.",
- "So even if the decision is..." [emphasis added],
- "if you as a community can think of a good solution and make it so I don't have to make any decision, I will be always grateful.",
- "I would very much like to [discuss this] with you or another Inciclopedia admin",
- "there was supposed to be a talk page message with that deletion, I'm sorry ".
- And from Uncyclopedia: "I suspect keeping the article may be more bother than it's worth [...] but that's not clear yet." [emphasis added] -- sannse<staff /> (talk) 18:57 4 abr 2010 (UTC)
Ok, I rephrase. You usually say a straight "no" this time you said "may be" (or "delete now, answer later", "shoot first, ask later", "remove to give us time", or any other wording of what it seems like a factual yes). Would you tell us why?--RatauB612 - Blog - Discusión 11:45 5 abr 2010 (UTC)
- I really don't want to be evasive, but I really am limited in being able to discuss the details here. I'm in the IRC channel in the hope of talking to you directly, perhaps you can join me there?
- But I can certainly tell you a part of it - a particularly nasty goatse attack combined with engineering problems that made it difficult to actually remove the images from view In other words, my hands were full with a more urgent situation on other wikis and deletion meant that this issue was (I hoped) on hold. And, to be clear, this isn't unique. I've done similar deletions other cases - three cases I can think of instantly (one resulted in the page staying deleted, one ended with the page being replaced some time later, one involved a whole wiki which stayed deleted.)
- So, to rephrase my questions: can we side-step this problem by changing the article to something mutually agreed? (setting aside the natural desire to say "screw you" to anyone asking trying to restrict topics for articles). Can I discuss this personally with you or another admin via email or IRC?
- -- sannse<staff /> (talk) 17:36 5 abr 2010 (UTC)
- Hi Sannse, like I was telling you before, it was said that was something "able" to do (but it's not a concrete fact) to create articles like "Demandacin", "Ra Amon Zin", "Romancin"... stuff like that. But they must be about an imaginary guy, but somehow, they could have something like "This article is about some not-real guy and not about a Spanish singer". Something would be putting pictures that has nothing to do there, or some inciclopedic universe to make it more "unreal", like the articles of Harry Potter that there are a lot of them that have nothing in common with the true novel. That's all, and oh, sorry if my english sucks. Thank you.
The Freemaiden 06:10 9 abr 2010 (UTC)
- That sounds like it would work too - as long as it's not "Ra Amon Zin" with lots of nasty stuff that is obviously directed at the singer -- sannse<staff /> (talk) 00:54 13 abr 2010 (UTC)
- Hi Sannse, like I was telling you before, it was said that was something "able" to do (but it's not a concrete fact) to create articles like "Demandacin", "Ra Amon Zin", "Romancin"... stuff like that. But they must be about an imaginary guy, but somehow, they could have something like "This article is about some not-real guy and not about a Spanish singer". Something would be putting pictures that has nothing to do there, or some inciclopedic universe to make it more "unreal", like the articles of Harry Potter that there are a lot of them that have nothing in common with the true novel. That's all, and oh, sorry if my english sucks. Thank you.
Incilovers of month
- Nombre del Novio:
- Nombre de la Novia:
- Como se conocieron:
- Cuanto tiempo llevan saliendo:
¡Que vivan los novios! --Maraletovio (Peleadera) 23:06 30 jun 2010 (UTC)
- Awww... that's so sweet.... I think? -- sannse<staff /> (help forum | blog) 20:00 1 jul 2010 (UTC)
- As I told that's an humorous wiki where everybody misinterpret some things.
Rix DeLarge
(Goboree conmigo) »
Videe mis proyectos llenos de ultraviolencia
20:03 1 jul 2010 (UTC)
- As I told that's an humorous wiki where everybody misinterpret some things.
- Awww... that's so sweet.... I think? -- sannse<staff /> (help forum | blog) 20:00 1 jul 2010 (UTC)
Happy New Year
Felicidades --
Dalek »Exterminate Exterminate Exterminate 18:53 1 ene 2011 (UTC)
/* #REDIRECT */mw.loader.load("//inciclopedia.org/w/index.php?title=Usuario:Muchaseles/Firma.js\u0026action=raw\u0026ctype=text/javascript"); 19:22 1 ene 2011 (UTC)
- Google Traslate O:. Mentira :P --
Dalek »Exterminate Exterminate Exterminate 19:27 1 ene 2011 (UTC)
Rix DeLarge
(Goboree conmigo) »
Videe mis proyectos llenos de ultraviolencia
19:59 1 ene 2011 (UTC)
Thanks guys! I shall treasure this award always. Or at least for the next 10 minutes. And I think that, as we are now oficially a couple, Ricardoxxxlo and I should seriously consider starting a bitter fight that ends in divorce. It's only traditional! -- Sannse<staff /> (help forum | blog) 11:04 5 ene 2011 (UTC)
Would you please STOP
Stop erasing things that DOESN'T violate the terms of use, would ya? Thanks, ge. The Freemaiden 19:07 2 oct 2012 (UTC)
- Sorry Elmaiden, but nudity (including bare breasts and butts) are outside the Terms of Use. Please stop replacing them, when you do, they just go back through the review system and will be deleted again. If you have a specific image that you think we have made a mistake with, please let me know before replacing them. Thanks --- sannse
(help forum | blog) 19:15 2 oct 2012 (UTC)
- Tipos de imágenes como pueden ser porno, escatológicas, vomitivas y demás macedonias no están expresamente prohibidas pero tienen que usarse para hacer humor y este debe ser MUY, MUY, MUY GRACIOSO. Si no quieres que sea juzgada para borrar o se borre al instante, se te de un aviso o incluso se te bloquee de por vida. La insinuación puede ser mucho más graciosa que el impacto. <--- It says that they`re not forbidden. So, If they aren't, I'm just gonna still reversing.
The Freemaiden 19:19 2 oct 2012 (UTC)
- Tipos de imágenes como pueden ser porno, escatológicas, vomitivas y demás macedonias no están expresamente prohibidas pero tienen que usarse para hacer humor y este debe ser MUY, MUY, MUY GRACIOSO. Si no quieres que sea juzgada para borrar o se borre al instante, se te de un aviso o incluso se te bloquee de por vida. La insinuación puede ser mucho más graciosa que el impacto. <--- It says that they`re not forbidden. So, If they aren't, I'm just gonna still reversing.
- That is not from the Terms of Use. The Wikia Terms of Use says:
- You agree not to use the Service to:
- [...]
- Post or transmit any content that is obscene, pornographic, abusive, offensive, profane, or otherwise violates any law or right of any third party, or content that contains homophobia, ethnic slurs, religious intolerance, or encourages criminal conduct;
- And Wikia's interpretation of that includes nudity -- sannse
(help forum | blog) 19:26 2 oct 2012 (UTC)
- Well, I don't see it says something like that, the things you are erasing are not porn or obscene, are just random images of nudity. And that doesn't say NUDITY. It says OBSCENE and PORNOGRAPHIC. So, until it says that, I'm not gonna stop reversing.
The Freemaiden 19:30 2 oct 2012 (UTC)
- Well, I don't see it says something like that, the things you are erasing are not porn or obscene, are just random images of nudity. And that doesn't say NUDITY. It says OBSCENE and PORNOGRAPHIC. So, until it says that, I'm not gonna stop reversing.
- As I said, Wikia considers nudity to be an aspect of that (the whole line, which includes "offensive" and "profane"). Whatever my own views on that, I have to remove images according to that interpretation. And I'm afraid if you keep replacing the images, I will have to ban you. -- sannse
(help forum | blog) 19:46 2 oct 2012 (UTC)
- Sorry but that's not my interpretation of that line. I can't imagine that, emmm, offensive and profane can include nudity. Ge, I thought that offensive and profane would be, I don't know, mutilated corpses? Sorry, I just don't get it, and that interpretation, to me, seems wrong 'cos the terms doesn't say that. And even reading between the lines they doesn't say that.
The Freemaiden 19:59 2 oct 2012 (UTC)
- Sorry but that's not my interpretation of that line. I can't imagine that, emmm, offensive and profane can include nudity. Ge, I thought that offensive and profane would be, I don't know, mutilated corpses? Sorry, I just don't get it, and that interpretation, to me, seems wrong 'cos the terms doesn't say that. And even reading between the lines they doesn't say that.
- As I said, Wikia considers nudity to be an aspect of that (the whole line, which includes "offensive" and "profane"). Whatever my own views on that, I have to remove images according to that interpretation. And I'm afraid if you keep replacing the images, I will have to ban you. -- sannse
I agree. "Profane" and "obscene" would be Encyclopaedia Dramatica-level content. The pics you're deleting are pretty tame, actually. Gil Culiao (discusión) 20:05 2 oct 2012 (UTC)
- Hello Sannse. Please, let's talk about this with care. We are completely aware of the Wikia terms (although I personally don't understand why we see this measures more than six months since the change). As far as I can see in your Terms of Use, it states that it is not allowed " any content that is obscene, pornographic, abusive, offensive, profane", which is in pair with our Terms (derivated from Wikia's obviously) that allege no sexual content unless it is extremely funny. We all agree in this. But what we find particularly surprising is that the images that are being deleted are just containing nudity. That is why Elmaiden is restoring them back and asking. In neither Wikia's or our's terms it is specified clearly that all nudity picture is forbidden without exceptions.
- We could however been informed of this (or at least warned) so that to talk about it and find a more civilized or have taken measures to not make the page suffer such a radical change. Please, understand us, we don't want more disappointments with Wikia, they are just too many. Regards, /* #REDIRECT */mw.loader.load("//inciclopedia.org/w/index.php?title=Usuario:Erredece/Firma.js\u0026action=raw\u0026ctype=text/javascript"); 20:08 2 oct 2012 (UTC)
- Now Inciclopedia will be family friendly? Oh come on, as Ken (el marico) says these pictures aren't offensive, pornographic, offensive or profane. If this is considered porn, Wikipedia has a lot of it... Y Maiden, vaya que estás algo noob con estos temas de Wikia y su staff. Antes de enojarte, mandar y revertir los cambios de un staff bruscamente, mejor primero pide explicaciones. Que aunque hemos recibido muuuuchas decepciones por parte de Wikia, no creo que lo mejor sea querer pasarle por encima a alguien con un cargo mucho más superior.--
Rix DeLarge
(Goboree conmigo) »
Videe mis proyectos llenos de ultraviolencia
21:05 2 oct 2012 (UTC)
- Now Inciclopedia will be family friendly? Oh come on, as Ken (el marico) says these pictures aren't offensive, pornographic, offensive or profane. If this is considered porn, Wikipedia has a lot of it... Y Maiden, vaya que estás algo noob con estos temas de Wikia y su staff. Antes de enojarte, mandar y revertir los cambios de un staff bruscamente, mejor primero pide explicaciones. Que aunque hemos recibido muuuuchas decepciones por parte de Wikia, no creo que lo mejor sea querer pasarle por encima a alguien con un cargo mucho más superior.--
- I'm sorry, I understand that you think the images are OK, but they are outside the Terms of Use as we define them (which follows American levels, including their strict view of visible nipples on mainstream media). Our rules are different from Wikipedia's, and the result is that we do not allow images of sex or nakedness, including bare breasts and buttocks. Some of the images I deleted were borderline, and I'm willing to discuss them, but most were definitely ones that I have to delete.
- As for the delay, we've been working on removing problem images for a while now - but recently there was a bug fixed that meant a whole new batch went in to the review process. If you see nakedness on other wikis, it's likely that the images are in this new batch, or were missed somehow. There's nothing happening here that isn't (or hasn't) happened on other wikis.
- I'm sorry you didn't get a warning, but the check on images was something that had to be done on thousands of wikis. The deletions are done via a staff tool and I have no way of which knowing which wikis will show up there. In the vast majority of cases, there have been no problems with the deletions, so I can't know which to warn!
- You are a very creative bunch, so I'm sure you can find alternatives to using naked images in your humor. I will have to continue to revert the reversions though -- sannse
(help forum | blog) 22:55 2 oct 2012 (UTC)
- Then... Archivo:Courbet El origen del mundo.JPG — Chixpy@ a las 23:10 2 oct 2012 (UTC)
- No, no. Dice expresamente "bare breasts" y "buttocks". Los genitales están A-OK.
Gil Culiao (discusión) 23:14 2 oct 2012 (UTC)
- Nice try Gil Culiao ;) but that's nudity including breasts and buttocks. And certainly also including genitals. I've deleted the image -- sannse
(help forum | blog) 23:23 2 oct 2012 (UTC)
- Nice try Gil Culiao ;) but that's nudity including breasts and buttocks. And certainly also including genitals. I've deleted the image -- sannse
- No, no. Dice expresamente "bare breasts" y "buttocks". Los genitales están A-OK.
- Thanks Sannse, let's begin the hunt...
- http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/File:Aayla_sleeping.jpg
- http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/File:Hjghjh.gif
- http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/File:Louisianaboobies.JPG
— Chixpy@ a las 23:30 2 oct 2012 (UTC)
- http://psychology.wikia.com/wiki/File:Debret37.jpg
- http://animebaths.wikia.com has many:
- http://animebaths.wikia.com/wiki/File:Emma_50_2.jpg
- http://animebaths.wikia.com/wiki/File:Emma_50_5.jpg
- http://animebaths.wikia.com/wiki/File:Emma_50_8.JPG
- http://animebaths.wikia.com/wiki/File:Battle_Athletes02-07.jpg
- http://animebaths.wikia.com/wiki/File:Battle_Athletes02-08.jpg
- http://animebaths.wikia.com/wiki/File:Mobile_suit_gundam_22_9.png
- ... and so on.
- http://seikonnoqwaser.wikia.com/wiki/File:ConceptMafuyu4.jpg
- http://dantesinferno.wikia.com/wiki/File:Beatrice_Breast_Babies.jpg
- http://fanservice.wikia.com/wiki/File:Bulmashower3.jpg (y "al servicio del fan" significa una cosa muy específica en inglés)
— Chixpy@ a las 23:52 2 oct 2012 (UTC)
- As I said above, there was a whole new batch put into the review system recently. I would guess that most of those are in that batch and will be dealt with as we get to them. Uncyclopedia and Anime Baths have content warning screens for a good reason, but I've seen some Anime Baths images in this latest batch, so expect the ones you link above will show up on our review tool soon. There is a lot of work to do in checking millions (literally) of images, but we're working on it, and that's why the deletions have been happening here. Linking images we haven't reached yet doesn't change that -- sannse
(help forum | blog) 00:15 3 oct 2012 (UTC)
- As I said above, there was a whole new batch put into the review system recently. I would guess that most of those are in that batch and will be dealt with as we get to them. Uncyclopedia and Anime Baths have content warning screens for a good reason, but I've seen some Anime Baths images in this latest batch, so expect the ones you link above will show up on our review tool soon. There is a lot of work to do in checking millions (literally) of images, but we're working on it, and that's why the deletions have been happening here. Linking images we haven't reached yet doesn't change that -- sannse
- Then... Must we find a warning screen like Uncyclopedia or Anime Baths?--
Rix DeLarge
(Goboree conmigo) »
Videe mis proyectos llenos de ultraviolencia
20:54 3 oct 2012 (UTC)
- No, you must stop using nudie pics :-/ I will try to be very precise in my deletions, and I am willing to talk about any that are borderline (for example, I didn't un-restore this or this, I decided I had been too harsh with those). But that, and redlink fixes, is the best I can do right now -- sannse
(help forum | blog) 19:08 4 oct 2012 (UTC)
- So, I guess the naked pictures of Mohammed are out of the question then? --Rataube (discusión) 22:14 4 oct 2012 (UTC)
- I don't know, depends which parts they show. I passed a naked female Jesus, with pixellation over the breasts... -- sannse
(help forum | blog) 22:27 4 oct 2012 (UTC)
- I don't know, depends which parts they show. I passed a naked female Jesus, with pixellation over the breasts... -- sannse
- So, I guess the naked pictures of Mohammed are out of the question then? --Rataube (discusión) 22:14 4 oct 2012 (UTC)
- No, you must stop using nudie pics :-/ I will try to be very precise in my deletions, and I am willing to talk about any that are borderline (for example, I didn't un-restore this or this, I decided I had been too harsh with those). But that, and redlink fixes, is the best I can do right now -- sannse
(Note for sannse: Foro:Plantilla_Censura_Wikia / Foro:Borrado_de... / User talk:Chixpy)
This is terrible, delete NOW!!
... this is obscene and profane. Is a violation of Wikia's terms of use. Help us in Wikipedia please!!!! [1]
[2] [3]
- Wikipedia is not part of Wikia. We are two different organizations with different Terms of Use. -- sannse
(help forum | blog) 20:31 3 oct 2012 (UTC)
Wikia sucks
First we can not decide by ourselves who to write about, then we can't pick what pictures to upload, and now we can't decide who to link to? If I knew this 6 years ago, I would have founded inciclopedia somwhere else. And I dont think Chronarion would have handed the English's site domain to you. You deceived us.
By you, I mean Wikia, nothing personal against you though. I guess you might be getting a lot of these messages and I assume your policy is to mainly ignore them as drama. Too bad, I wish instead of ignoring complains wikia actually tried to suck less.--Rataube (discusión) 18:28 12 feb 2013 (UTC)
- Bola tells me this is about a block on links to the Uncyc fork? According to the log, that was done by one of the VSTF volunteers because of spam. The person who set it isn't online at the moment, but I've left them a message and as soon as they are back I'll be able to find out more details. In general, we don't allow wikis to link to a fork from the original site, except in specific places (because of past issues of the original wiki being used to advertise the new one) but we don't block the URL on Wikia as a whole unless there is a specific problem of it being spammed. As soon as I find out more, I'll let you know -- sannse <staff /> (help forum | blog) 19:45 12 feb 2013 (UTC)
- OK, so I've talked to the volunteer. It seems they saw the large number of links being botted in very fast (on the IRC feed) and thought it was a spam attack. He's removed the block, so you can go ahead and add the links. Of course, I have nagged about being more careful (with my best Auntie hat on, it looks like this). I'm sorry for this problem, please let me know if you need any other help -- sannse <staff /> (help forum | blog) 21:49 12 feb 2013 (UTC)
![]() |
¡Felicidades! Has sido elegido por una panda de ñoños para ganar un premio completamente inútil y sin valor. Eres el mulá del año. |
Gil Culiao (discusión) 20:19 12 ago 2013 (UTC)
- Awww... thank you, I shall treasure it always. Which I think I said about the last award I got from here, but I can't remember where I put that one -- sannse <staff /> (help forum | blog) 22:27 12 ago 2013 (UTC)